Welcome to the North Huron Birding Trail
As a result of this research and recognition of Michigan's most Northern Lake Huron shoreline as a pristine gem, many local non-profits and government agencies have successfully protected large amounts of shoreline and surrounding areas through conservation easements and the creation of nature preserves. The passion of these organizations along with large amounts of publicly accessible land and the impressive diversity of bird species who utilize the area make it one of the most enjoyable birding trails in Michigan.
Join Us for the 2024 Aldo Leopold Festival in the heart of the birding trail. Event takes place May 29 - June 2. Registration and more info https://www.aldoleopoldfestival.org/ |
EventsA great way to enjoy bird watching is by going to festivals—they’re organized to get you to birding locations at a key time of year for viewing. They’re also a great way to meet people. Click here to find an event near you.
Birding ResourcesBirding is very addictive, whether it encourages you to increase your birding ID skills or to travel to new places, there are hundreds of links out there to help you on your way. The "Birding Resources" page offers a number of resources covering useful or interesting topics for birdwatching.
Trip PlanningVacationing to the North Huron shoreline is a great way to get your family connected to birds, nature and to conservation. We have put together a brief list of travel resources to help you plan your trip... learn more
Birding Economics and ConservationBirders, flex your economic muscles. Your birding and wildlife viewing dollars, if recognized as such, are a vote for conservation. They lobby local communities to conserve their resources not only for the health of their environment, but for the health of their economy... learn more